As the beginning of the school year hastily approaches {I know many whose first day is tomorrow- yikes!}, I start getting into preparation mode. I pick out my school supplies for the year/semester, print out necessary information, and tidy up my work space. I really needed a devoted study space, and so after goading my dad for weeks, he finally brought my computer desk over to my apartment. I feel so relieved to have it back, and was so excited to prepare it that I got started immediately. While it's not 100% finished, I thought I would show you what things I have done so far. Maybe it will spur you to create a desk for yourself or a child that is heading back to school soon! So, here we go. >>>

Since it is technically a computer desk {and like I said, an old one} it has little pockets to file CDs in. I don't use CDs for computer use, so I popped out the slots and now have two open "nooks" to store things. I chose to store my paper supplies and my MacBook cord on the left side. For the containers, I spray painted some Dollar Tree ones in a semi-gloss black and then used some Target Spot adhesive flags to label them. I also have some trays that were purchased from the Dollar Tree and I painted those black as well. The containers were originally purple and also had little clasps on the side {which is why you can see holes in the containers in the bottom picture} but I popped those out and decided to leave them off. It's not a permanent solution, but I think it looks really good for a 2-minute project!
I absolutely have a pen problem. I really like colorful pens to label and color-coordinate with, so that's why these buckets are literally overflowing! Both of the metal pails came from the Target Dollar Spot, and I couldn't be happier with them. They match the color scheme perfectly, and I didn't even plan it. I love when that happens!
Obsessive planning is the name of my game, so I had to have a huge calendar in the space! Fortunately I scored this one from my work, so I didn't have to purchase one. I've already labeled for the month of August, and color coded everything so that when school starts all I have left to do is fill in my assignments {and complete them!}. The metal pail came from Target Dollar Spot, but you probably already knew that, huh?
The last part of my desk is below computer. This section contains all of the "boring" but completely necessary items. I would be lost without my printer. It is an Epson WF-2540, and it is a perfect middle-of-the-road printer and is just awesome. Its only downside is that it is an inkjet printer, and because I like to have physical copies of things for class, etc., I wish it was a laser printer. However, the ink cartridges don't break the bank, so I'll live. I keep extra paper, a white board, and some knick knacks in a basket on that row as well. On the top row I have my hole punch, tape dispenser, and stapler along with two baskets that hold random items like thank you cards and extra index cards. The patterned one was a birthday gift from my best friend {it comes from Staples} and the grey one is from Target {yes, in the Dollar Spot}. In place of the computer's tower, I have some reference books and a cozy place for my bookbag!
Last but not least are my comfort items. These are the things that keep me studying and putting my best foot forward in school. First, my computer- because without it I wouldn't even be writing this post, and it the best "school" investment I've made. I love my Mac, and unless Photofiltre decides to continue only supporting PC, it's a keeper. My second thing is family. I know that the long hours at this desk aren't for naught. I'm doing it for me, but also for my family as a whole. It's just Brandon and I, but I want to do what I can to better myself for both of us. Plus I like looking at how awesome he looked with his Jesus hair. I totally miss it. ;( I also like for things to be smellin' fresh. I have a candle in pretty much every room in the apartment, so I needed one in here, too. I loved the way that the Coconut Leaves scent from Bath and Body Works was sweet but also earthy and not overpowering. I also keep a room spray, which is from a brand called Textile Archives. It smells like fresh lilies and jasmine! I found it at Ross. so score! Just in case I need something a little closer to my nostrils I have the Stress Relief BBW hand sanitizer {also, shame on them for repackaging :(}. It's part of their Aromatherapy line and is scented with eucalyptus and spearmint. Smells so yummy and is definitely relaxing!
Alright, that's my Study Space tour! I hope you all enjoyed it, and possibly got some inspiration for your own space. There are links down below for everything I could find online, and if you have any questions feel free to let me know. If you have an office or study space that you've recently blogged about, link it below- I'd love to read it and be inspired by you!